Poster Abstract Submissions

The Medical Education and Research Foundation (MERF) for the Treatment of Addiction and the CSAM Committee on Education will accept poster abstract proposals that describe addiction medicine education or practice accomplishments. Proposals may include projects that are in progress or those that will be done at the time of the conference.

Deadline for submissions is July 1, 2022

Please adhere to the following: 

1.  Be relevant to addiction medicine education or practice.

2.  There are no commercial, promotional or ethical conflicts of interests.

3.  Complete a disclosure form for each author.  

4.  Click here to upload all completed disclosures and complete Poster Abstract Submission Form

Category: Specify if this is an educational project (that may be related to practice) or related to practice only. Include the following in your abstract: 

  • Title (maximum 15 words, sentence case with only first word capitalized)
  • Authors listed with * after presenting author’s name and indicate affiliations.
  • Background or rationale for the project (Why did you do it?)
  • Setting/populations (Where and with whom did you do your project?)
  • Methods and evaluation (What did you do and how did you evaluate it?)
  • Outcomes/results (What did you learn? Progress to date if not completed.)
  • Conclusions and proposed impact on education or clinical practice related to substance use disorders (One or two key “take home” messages about what you did.) Abstracts must not exceed 400 words.

Additional Requirements:

  • All authors must complete a disclosure form that describes any possible conflicts of interest. All submissions must disclose any financial support with the form provided, and upload to Poster Abstract Submission Form.
  • All drugs mentioned must only be by generic names.
  • No corporate logos may be used anywhere on the poster.
  • CSAM and MERF reserve the right to remove any poster that promotes products or commercial services without liability for any refunds or other poster expenses.

If you have any questions, please contact